Nerd Cred and Teaching with Ms. Marvel

Students at Roanoke College after our discussion of Ms. Marvel.

Jumping into actual comic books from the movies and television shows is terrifying and daunting. It’s like jumping into Doctor Who: where do you start? From the beginning? From the most recent major event? And with what character? And what publisher? And will people judge you if you pick the wrong place to start? And how did I make the leap from comic book noob to teaching Ms. Marvel?

Judaism, the Convert, and Identity

The beauty of conversion is that one chooses their religious identity--that one becomes Jewish because it the religion that speaks most to them. But there is a comfort that comes from inheriting tradition that we did not realize we took for granted prior to conversion, from the little things we did in our pre-Jewish lives that we did not realize were so much a part of our identity.

Love: It’s What Makes a Subaru MY Subaru

I will start this post off by saying that yes, this is shameless pandering on some level.  But nothing I'm about to say about my car isn't completely true (and anyone who has ever heard me wax on and on about my nearly eighteen-year-old car can confirm the validity of the sentiments hereafter). My parents purchased … Continue reading Love: It’s What Makes a Subaru MY Subaru

The Night of the Dissertation Proposal Defense

For most people, nightmares include intrinsically scary elements.  Your second grade teacher suddenly becomes a T-Rex and disembowels all of your classmates Red Wedding-style as you stare on in horror.  Out of nowhere, you're in your dorm, and MONSTERS! Scary MONSTERS! show up and all you have to fight them with is your stupid Red … Continue reading The Night of the Dissertation Proposal Defense

“Hannah Arendt” – Why Now?

The film "Hannah Arendt" explores four key points: Arendt's identity as a secular Jew, the absence of Arab Jews in the film, the bureaucratic nature of evil, and the film's funding. It prompts reflection on Israel's policies and the relevance of Arendt's work today, highlighting the discomfort of her questions and the value of her contributions.